8 June 2023
Corning Distributor Awards 2023!
Each year during Corning’s Virtual Carrier Networks Distributor Summit , Corning holds a Distributor Awards Ceremony. Corning Distributor awards recognize partners that have made a great impact on growing the business, promoting the Corning brand and best exemplify professionalism, customer service and technical expertise.
Blue Helix has just been awarded the ‘Revenue Growth 2022’ for the EMEA region. This prestigious award is the result of strong partnership between Blue Helix and Corning which began back in 2005. Over the last 18 years we have grown a strong relationship based on trust and hard work.
Jochen Lorenz, Vice President EMEA at Corning presented the award – “Our second winner in the revenue growth category is one of our longest-standing distribution partners in the EMEA region and has been on our awards stage several times before in different categories during our long partnership. This distribution partner has accomplished a growth of 35% in 2022 and has shown an outstanding performance this past year. Through their strategic planning, innovative thinking, and relentless pursuit of excellence, they have managed to increase their revenues so significantly starting from a very solid base.
Their commitment to customer satisfaction and their dedication to delivering high-quality services and products have earned them an enviable reputation in the industry. With their strong leadership, talented team, and high expertise, they have continued to exceed expectations and achieve remarkable success. So congratulations to Blue Helix from the UK for winning the award in the category revenue growth for 2022. We look forward to our continued joint success in the years to come.”
Blue Helix are honoured and humbled by this award. The Blue Helix team pride ourselves on our customer service, combining strong industry and technical knowledge, and it means so much to us to be recognised for our hard work. We look forward to our continued success working together with Corning.